Tuesday, June 27, 2006

decoratiuni interioare / interior decorations- explicatii

Termenul de decoratiuni interioare este atat unul tehnic, al specialistului care se ocupa de amenajarea interioarelor unor casa, cladiri cat si un joc de cuvinte, care ar dori sa sugereze modul in care totul devine o "decoratiunie" , obiecte de decor care sunt asezate conform unor scheme prestabilite sau conform creativitatii celui care o face. Ma intereseaza jocul interior/exterior, masura in care exeteriorul, lumea obiectiva, se infiltreaza in interiorul lumii subiective. Cum devii ceea ce te defineste.


The term interior decorations is also a technical one , of the specialist how takes care of the interior arrangement of some houses, buildings, and also a quibble (words play) , trough which I would like to suggest the way in which everything becomes "decoration" , objects in a background that are arranged using a prescribed scheme or trough the creativity of the one who does this thing. I'm interested in the play between interior / exterior, the amount in which the exterior, the objective world in infiltrating the interior of the subjective world. How one becomes what it is defined to be.

Sau invers.
Or the other way around.

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